Revolutionize Industrial Automation with AI

Unlock new levels of efficiency and profitability

Use AI-powered video analytics for your industrial automation and quality control. Integration of the Hailo-8™ AI accelerator into your embedded industrial camera, enables 4X higher resolution and allows your machines to run at full speed, removing the analytics bottleneck

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See how Newtec and Qtechnology did it

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''Hailo enables us to perform more sophisticated operations with more complex networks, and thus, offer more solutions to the wide array of manufacturers we work with''

Ulrich Linnet, CEO, Qtechnology A/S

Download the case study

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Before Hailo

With Hailo


Why Hailo?

Higher productivity

The Hailo-8™ AI processor enabling 4X higher resolution, which leads to higher productivity, and less human labor to manually replace false sorting

Removing analytics bottleneck

High speed operation removing the analytics bottleneck and allowing the machine to run at full speed leading yet to higher efficiency and productivity


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Top Performing Edge AI Processors



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